Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the difference between a retirement residence and a nursing home?
Nursing homes and Homes for the Aged are now called "Long-Term Care Facilities". They are mostly for seniors who have significant health care issues and require a great deal of care. Retirement residence living is a flexible lifestyle option for older adults who want to make their own choices. Retirement residence living lets you choose - how much to do for yourself; how much to have done for you; how to spend your time; and with whom to spend it. Retirement residences take the work and worry out of day-to-day living.

Q: What is respite care?
Respite care provides short-term, temporary relief to those who are caring for family members who might otherwise require permanent placement in a facility outside the home. For older individuals who live alone and become temporarily ill or disabled, respite care can assist them untill they are well enough to return home and live independently again.

Q: Do you provide respite services in your homes?
Yes. Short term and long term respite care is available in all of our facilities.

Q: What if I become ill and require medical care? Will I have access to a nurse or doctor?
Yes. There is a nurse and house doctor on call that will be available to assist you should the need arise. For emergencies, you will be transported to the nearest hospital if required.

Q: If I become temporarily ill and require additional assistance, are there any extra fees?
No. While many senior and rest homes charge extra for additional services, at Compassionate Living, there are no extra fees for additional support should you become temporarily ill or unable to manage by yourself, in any of our locations.

Q: Can I have a telephone in my room?
Yes. Each room comes equipped for phone service that you can use at your own cost. However, there is a house phone that is available to all residents at no extra cost.